الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Pioneer format in the last two...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Legacy format in the last two ...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Modern format in the last two ...
Here are some examples of decisions made during real matches
opinion cedh
TOP 10 comparative cards increase and TOP 3 comparative deck increase
Achieving a good threat assessment level requires thorough knowledge of this format
In this article I discuss about yesterday's bannings annoucements, as well as exposing my disagreeme...
How important is narrative to the gaming experience in Magic the Gathering?
If you're an evil combo player, you may have wondered a few times why 2-card, 3-card, or 4-card comb...
We pretend to evaluate how the metagame changed between November to December
Roger Schola
Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go (to the graveyard!)
deck tech pioneer
Aims to evaluate how Legacy metagame has been changing in november of 2019
Thiago Fogaça
A commander who abuses the landfall interaction
deck tech cedh
How to develop the characteristics of a good general and take them to the next level
Check out a Commander MonoBlack that runs around Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
Deck tech Cedh
A commander who enables an almost unrestrictive construction
This time we're budgeting the deck of recent champion Ondrej Stráský
deck tech budget
Ken Yukuhiro made Top 8 at Mythic Championship V while using Mardu Knights