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All Against Arena - Fires of Grixis

All Against Arena - Fires of Grixis


This deck, if not the strongest, is currently one of the strongest in Arena

Deck Tech

Standard on Budget - Bant Golos Deck Tech

Standard on Budget - Bant Golos Deck Tech


We took a strong deck in the metagame and made it into a more accessible (but still good) one

deck tech

Pillowfort in Commander - Queen Marchesa

Pillowfort in Commander - Queen Marchesa

Thiago Fogaça

A throwback to the forts every child made with their pillows and blankets

deck tech cedh

Standard on Budget - Gruul Aggro

Standard on Budget - Gruul Aggro


We took a strong deck in the metagame and made it into a more accessible (but still good) one

deck tech

Mono Black, the dark side of Pioneer

Mono Black, the dark side of Pioneer


Mono Black decks could be an option for those who want to try this format

deck tech pioneer

Magic on Budget - Introduction - An example with Burn in Pauper

Magic on Budget - Introduction - An example with Burn in Pauper


MTG on Budget's first article for Cards Realm

opinion deck tech

Commander with Eldraine #02 - Alela, Artful Provocateur

Commander with Eldraine #02 - Alela, Artful Provocateur

Thiago Fogaça

Following the Throne of Eldraine series

deck tech cedh

Decklists and impressions from Pioneer decks 5-0 in MTGO

Decklists and impressions from Pioneer decks 5-0 in MTGO


Yesterday we had some 5-0 Pioneer decklists released


Decklists and impressions from the first Pioneer Challenge

Decklists and impressions from the first Pioneer Challenge


The results of the first Pioneer Championship


Magic formats - Cube Draft

Magic formats - Cube Draft


A large pool of cards selected for the purposes of playing a limited game


Likely decklists and staples of the new Pioneer format

Likely decklists and staples of the new Pioneer format


We have some ideas of decks and cards that are likely to be played


Interviewing Thoralf Severin, winner of Mythic Championship IV

Interviewing Thoralf Severin, winner of Mythic Championship IV


We interviewed Thoralf Severin right after he won the Mythic Championship IV


The Lab Maniac Commander - Kess, Dissident Mage

The Lab Maniac Commander - Kess, Dissident Mage

Thiago Fogaça

Last week, we talked about the evolution of Storm to Kess, Dissident Mage. This fact intrigued me, s...

Cedh deck tech

Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Thiago Fogaça

I decided to take the Eldraine theme to talk about another king who, in my opinion, translates exact...

deck tech cedh

What did Throne of Eldraine bring to Pauper?

What did Throne of Eldraine bring to Pauper?


There are some Throne of Eldraine cards that can see play.  Let's analyze and discuss some of them.


Deck tech of Tireless Tribe Combo in Pauper

Deck tech of Tireless Tribe Combo in Pauper


We will look at one of the main combos of the format: The Tireless Tribe Combo.

Deck tech

Someone is buying all Meloku the Cloudy Mirror

Someone is buying all Meloku the Cloudy Mirror


These last few days we have seen an abnormality, someone is buying out all Meloku.


How to start at cEDH #02 - Niv-Mizzet, Parun

How to start at cEDH #02 - Niv-Mizzet, Parun

Thiago Fogaça

Today I chose Ravnica's dragon: the Izzet leader comes in his Niv-Mizzet version, Parun

deck tech cedh

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