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Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Sableye (Lost Box)

Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Sableye (Lost Box)

Rodrigo William

Check out this Radiant Charizard deck that had repercussions on its Lost Box variant created by Tord...

Pokémon Charizard Lost Box

Quiz: How much Runeterra Lore do you know?

Quiz: How much Runeterra Lore do you know?


Test out your Runeterra Lore knowledge with these 12 questions.

lore league leagueoflegends quiz know

Pioneer: Upgrading the Challenger Deck - Dimir Control

Pioneer: Upgrading the Challenger Deck - Dimir Control


Despite the flaws in its winconditions and manabase, Dimir Control offers a solid base for players w...

Pioneer Challenger Deck Dimir Control Upgrade

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Story of Exodia, the Forbidden One!

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Story of Exodia, the Forbidden One!

Marcos Sobral

In this article, you will learn about the history of the mighty Exodia, one of the most iconic cards...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Lore

Pauper: Kuldotha Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Kuldotha Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...

Red Aggro Burn Pauper

Lost Origin: Top 10 most valuable cards from the expansion

Lost Origin: Top 10 most valuable cards from the expansion

Rodrigo William

Check out here the most expensive and collectible cards from Pokémon TCG's Lost Origin expansion.

PokémonTCG Lost Origin List

Commander Deck Tech: Magus Lucea Kane

Commander Deck Tech: Magus Lucea Kane

Felipe Torres

Today, we introduce a budget Commander decklist with one of Warhammer40k's most fun cards, Magus Luc...

cmd budget warhammer edh

Standard Deck Tech: Rotom V - Massive Damage, Discard & Tools!

Standard Deck Tech: Rotom V - Massive Damage, Discard & Tools!

Rodrigo William

Meet Rotom V, a Pokémon that can hit up to 720 damage at its fullest, discarding tools from the disc...

Standard Deck Tech Rotom

Deck Guide: Vayne Rumble, making a blast with Mecha-Yordles!

Deck Guide: Vayne Rumble, making a blast with Mecha-Yordles!


The greatest Mecha-Yordle in Runeterra comes along to make a blast with Vayne's and Equipment's help...

Rumble Vayne Equip Aggro

Quiz: Who are you in the Commander table?

Quiz: Who are you in the Commander table?

Nat Almeida

Are you into combos, ramps, group hug, aggro or control? Find out in this quiz who you are at the Co...

Quiz Commander

5 Reasons to play Flesh and Blood

5 Reasons to play Flesh and Blood


In this article, we've come up with five reasons for you to start playing Flesh and Blood!

Flesh and Blood Reasons to play

Champions that don't have skins yet and guesses to which skins they'll get!

Champions that don't have skins yet and guesses to which skins they'll get!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will see a bit about which are the 32 LoR champion which still don't have skins ...

guesses skins

Pauper: BG Project X Deck Tech & SIdeboard Guide

Pauper: BG Project X Deck Tech & SIdeboard Guide

Burt of Paradise

I'll talk a little about my BG Combo deck focused on sacrifices, known as Project X, leaving some ti...

Pauper Project X Deck Guide

Alternative Formats in Yu-Gi-Oh: Time Wizard, Common Charity, Deck Master & More

Alternative Formats in Yu-Gi-Oh: Time Wizard, Common Charity, Deck Master & More

Marcos Sobral

In this article, you will learn about the alternative formats of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Time Wizard, Hea...

TCG:Alternative Formats Yu-Gi-Oh!

Decklists and Commanders from Starter Commander decks 2022

Decklists and Commanders from Starter Commander decks 2022


Starter Commander decks are five different two-color decks that have everything you need to jump rig...

commander edh

Commander Deck Tech: Phelddagrif Group Hug

Commander Deck Tech: Phelddagrif Group Hug

Daniel Cataia

Politics and plenty of hippos. In this article, I explain to you how a giant purple hippo with wings...

Phelddagrif Commander Group Hug

Top 5 Board Games for the First Date Night

Top 5 Board Games for the First Date Night


On a good date, you want to feel a wide range of emotions. You desire happiness, hope, and all the w...

board first dating

How Did Yu-Gi-Oh! Become One of the Biggest Franchises in the World?

How Did Yu-Gi-Oh! Become One of the Biggest Franchises in the World?


Did you know that Yu-Gi-Oh was inspired by Casino offerings? Let's talk about why it made so much su...

yugioh game tcg

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