الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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One of War of the Spark's most unwanted artifacts has become an archetype centerpiece in Pioneer. T...
Pioneer Deck Tech Combo
Cesar Cusin
Pandemic, isolation, playing games — these are all ingredients that drive us into solo play. Which o...
board game solo challenge
In today's article, we analyze the Naya Runes, which stands out for a powerful synergy between creat...
analysis standard deck tech
Pedro Fernandes
The metagame has changed a lot with the new mini-set in Hearthstone. See the 4 decks that are bringi...
standard Legend topdecks
Gabriel Nunes
In this article, we will see how the use of channel lands can affect a format, giving spotlight to a...
modern kamigawa competitive
Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...
Standard jeskai analysis
The Druid has been standing out as a great aggressive class. Today you will see tips, game posture a...
top deck aggro druid standard legend
Pedro Braga
Powerful as swords, fast as Ninjas: Today I share my thoughts on my Top 5 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty car...
modern top 5 kamigawa
Felipe Torres
Today I bring my Top 10 cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Commander!
commander edh kamigawa review
In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most relevant in Kamigawa: Neon Dyn...
analysis standard kamigawa
Check out the decklists of the four new Challenger Decks: Mono-White Aggro, Dimir Control, Gruul Sto...
news standard challenger deck
We separated the ten most interesting cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dinasty for cEDH!
cedh kamigawa edh
Today let's talk about Dredge's current version, a deck that is stiill pretty famous among its enthu...
modern dredge mtg sideguide
Selesnya Ramp was one of several decks that reappeared after the recent bans. In today's article, we...
standard selesnya ramp deck tech
Let's check the pros and cons of the gambling platform GamStop
gambling casino website
While there are probably tons of different card games and variations, there are 5 that stand out in ...
poker nz card
An introduction to some of the most famous and best competitive CS:GO teams!
cs:go teams professional
We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty ...
arter art art alter