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A Guide to Kaldheim's Sealed Format

A Guide to Kaldheim's Sealed Format


A quick guide to the basics of Kaldheim's Sealed format before the Arena Open and Qualifier Weekend.

Kaldheim Sealed Limited Mtg Arena

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !


I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...

Tournament Free MTGO Arena

Standard Deck Guide - Temur Ramp with Kaldheim

Standard Deck Guide - Temur Ramp with Kaldheim

Thiago NileDeath

Today I'll present you a complete guide of the updated version of Temur Ramp with Kaldheim new card...

Guide Standard Temur Kaldheim

Interview with the Champion of the Pauper Super Qualifier: Pedro Paulo

Interview with the Champion of the Pauper Super Qualifier: Pedro Paulo


The Pauper Super Qualifier happened and the winner was the brazilian Pedro Paulo! Today, we gonna in...

news interview qualifier

The Jund of the format  - definitive guide

The Jund of the format - definitive guide

David Royale

Today I bring to you the one and only guide on how to play Jund on pauper + sideboard!

pauper Deck Guide

cEDH Budget Deck - Rashmi, Eternities Crafter

cEDH Budget Deck - Rashmi, Eternities Crafter


This article dissuss a decklist focused on control for Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, which can be a bu...

cedh budget control

Weekly Metagame: Each format has its own pace

Weekly Metagame: Each format has its own pace


Here is another weekly review of the Challenges' Metagame!

Metagame Analysis

Pauper's Christmas Wishlist - White cards

Pauper's Christmas Wishlist - White cards


Christmas is coming and we all have our wishlists for Pauper. Today we list fifteen white cards that...

Pauper Wishlist

Possible combos with cards from the set Commander Legends

Possible combos with cards from the set Commander Legends


This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in the set Commander Legends for Vintage, Comma...

commander edh combo

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?


This week's analysis of the Challanges reveals that many formats are diverse. Is Magic healthy and ...

metagame competitive

The Lab - Pauper Decklists with Commander Legends

The Lab - Pauper Decklists with Commander Legends


Commander Legends arrives at Magic Online tomorrow, and here are some ideas and decklists that came ...

Pauoer Deck Commander

Commander Legends and its impact on Pauper

Commander Legends and its impact on Pauper


Commander Legends could be the most impactful set for Pauper in 2020.

review pauper Commander Opinion

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and the Group Hug

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and the Group Hug

Pedro Braga

A cute reinforcement for the Group Hug archetype on Commander

commander edh grouphug

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic


Kaladesh Remastered comes to Magic Arena on November 12th, bringing some news to Historic!

Historic Competitive Review

Bogles on Pauper's current meta - Interview with Gustavo rEPTILIUM_

Bogles on Pauper's current meta - Interview with Gustavo rEPTILIUM_


I invited Gustavo rEPTILIUM_ to talk about the deck and its situation on the meta. Let's try to unde...


The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper

The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper


Analyzing Fiery Cannonade's impact to Pauper.

Pauper Competitive Metagame Cannonade

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX


Here we have listed 10 decks with approximate cost of 10 TIX that are fun and competitive, so you ma...

pioneer budget

Interview - Azorius Spirits, the dominating deck in Pioneer Royale!

Interview - Azorius Spirits, the dominating deck in Pioneer Royale!


In this article, I present an in-depth interview with Bandit Keith, a player that has been accumulat...

Pioneer Interview Tech

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