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This article provides a comprehensive guide to Pauper: Monster Tron, including deck tech, sideboard ...
pauper Monster Tron Sideboard Guide LOTR
In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...
Modern Metagame LotR
The Riders of Rohan have arrived in Legacy! In the name of the Monarch, they will take the Initiativ...
Legacy boros initiative eorlingas lotr
This article takes a look at Paupergeddon Pisa Tournament, exploring the meta and the decks that ove...
Pauper Paupergeddon LOTR
This new card is causing ripples in the Commander community. To address concerns, the EDH Rules Comm...
news commander lotr
Eduardo Silveira
A review and upgrade guide for The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Commander deck, Riders o...
LotR Commander Upgrades
Let's see what the Middle-Earth characters bring to Legacy. The greatest fantasy story of all time h...
Review LotR Legacy
In today's article, I present my set review with the main cards of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middl...
Modern Review LotR
Dereck Duque Estrada
A limited guide focused on the Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth's Prerelease & Draft events.
Limited LotR Guide
In this article, we'll show you the staples of The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth that are...
Food Matters Deck is a new deck archetype that focuses on gaining card advantage and board control t...
pauper lotr food cauldron familiar
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is upon us! In this article, we evaluate the main cards...
Pauper LotR Review
In this article, we are going to evaluate Orcish Bowmasters, which will make the opponent think twic...
LotR Legacy Review Highlight
Boromir may have failed to save the hobbits, but in Legacy he might as well save you! Check out Boro...
Boromir Legacy LOTR
Lord of the Rings: Tales of the Middle-Earth brings a new cycle of legendary lands to Modern. In thi...
Modern Highlight LOTR
This article is about the potential of Cast into the Fire in Pauper. It discusses how the card can b...
Pauper LOTR Tales of Middle-Earth
Check out the first cards revealed for The Lord of the Rings - Tales of Middle Earth set for Magic: ...
news lotr new set
Amidst the various new releases and announcements, the details on the price tags of the Commander Ma...
news economy money cost mtg