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Arena is adding direct messages, Pioneer Masters notice and more

Arena is adding direct messages, Pioneer Masters notice and more


New MTG Arena features they unveiled at State of the Game - March 2020


Theros Beyond Death in Pioneer - Decklists and Top cards

Theros Beyond Death in Pioneer - Decklists and Top cards


Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Pioneer format in the last two...


Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Abzan Rallystocrats - Full and Budget

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Abzan Rallystocrats - Full and Budget

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go (to the graveyard!)

deck tech pioneer

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Bogles

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Bogles

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go

deck tech pioneer

Deck Tech Pioneer – Mardu Pyromancer

Deck Tech Pioneer – Mardu Pyromancer


If you like tons of tokens on the board, you're on the right place.

deck tech pioneer

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Four Color Ascendancy

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Four Color Ascendancy

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go

deck tech pioneer

Mono Black, the dark side of Pioneer

Mono Black, the dark side of Pioneer


Mono Black decks could be an option for those who want to try this format

deck tech pioneer

Decklists and impressions from Pioneer decks 5-0 in MTGO

Decklists and impressions from Pioneer decks 5-0 in MTGO


Yesterday we had some 5-0 Pioneer decklists released


Decklists and impressions from the first Pioneer Challenge

Decklists and impressions from the first Pioneer Challenge


The results of the first Pioneer Championship


Likely decklists and staples of the new Pioneer format

Likely decklists and staples of the new Pioneer format


We have some ideas of decks and cards that are likely to be played


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