Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...
guide decktech eternal
For the Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary, a rare raffle will give players a shot at getting a copy of a ru...
news market yu-gi-oh 25th Anniversary
Pacto das Guildas
Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...
Standard Metagame Decklists
Rodrigo William
Get to know the Dracozolt VMax deck, where it has the role of using counterattack of damage received...
PokémonTCG Counter Dracozolt
In a surprising move, one of the largest Korean Pokémon tournaments disqualified all of its Top 4 fi...
news pokémon competitive
This article provides a comprehensive guide to Poison Storm. It includes deck tech, sideboard strate...
Pauper guide
In this article, we are going to evaluate Orcish Bowmasters, which will make the opponent think twic...
LotR Legacy Review Highlight
Pedro Braga
Sultai has always been considered a strong color match and prone to aggressive combos. In this artic...
Commander Deck Tech Zimone & Dina
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we're going to discuss the last new hero of Outsiders with a deck tech from a pr...
Deck Tech Blitz Arakni
Boromir may have failed to save the hobbits, but in Legacy he might as well save you! Check out Boro...
Boromir Legacy LOTR
The collection was briefly shown on Twitter, where this collector claimed he had bought every card e...
news mtg market collection
Discover all the Pokémon Trading Card Game formats. I gathered all the information possible to creat...
PokémonTCG Formats Guide
It appears that the rarest MTG card in perhaps ever is already damaged, as noted by fans.
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The partnership that keeps on giving! Another sneaker was just announced for the Adidas x Yu-Gi-Oh! ...
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Cards Realm
Avoiding common mistakes when playing online slots is key to having a fun and successful experience....
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An informative article about the positions at the poker table, giving insight into how they are used...
Positions Poker Table games
An article about the best tips and tricks to help gamers choose the perfect server to maximize their...
cards games online game betting
This article provides a checklist of important steps to consider before downloading a mobile betting...
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