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9-year-old Dana Fisher makes Day 2 at the Limited Grand Prix

9-year-old Dana Fisher makes Day 2 at the Limited Grand Prix


At the MagicFest Reno 2020 Limited Grand Prix, she even opened 5-0, a new record in her career


Revealed the day of the next update on the Banned and Restricted list

Revealed the day of the next update on the Banned and Restricted list


Next banned and restricted announcement: Next week!


Unsanctioned box has no space for decks with sleeves

Unsanctioned box has no space for decks with sleeves


It is not possible to store your deck with sleeves


Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa wins World Championship XXVI: recap and decklists

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa wins World Championship XXVI: recap and decklists


The World Championship XXVI took place this weekend, from February 14 to February 16, 2020, in Honol...


The relation between narrative and player experience in Magic the Gathering

The relation between narrative and player experience in Magic the Gathering


How important is narrative to the gaming experience in Magic the Gathering?


Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Abzan Rallystocrats - Full and Budget

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Abzan Rallystocrats - Full and Budget

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go (to the graveyard!)

deck tech pioneer

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Bogles

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Bogles

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go

deck tech pioneer

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Four Color Ascendancy

Exploring the Pioneer jungle - Four Color Ascendancy

Roger Schola

Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go

deck tech pioneer

All Against Arena - Fires of Grixis

All Against Arena - Fires of Grixis


This deck, if not the strongest, is currently one of the strongest in Arena

Deck Tech

Magic on Budget - Introduction - An example with Burn in Pauper

Magic on Budget - Introduction - An example with Burn in Pauper


MTG on Budget's first article for Cards Realm

opinion deck tech

Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Thiago Fogaça

I decided to take the Eldraine theme to talk about another king who, in my opinion, translates exact...

deck tech cedh

Commander 2019 Ghired, Conclave Exile: reinforcing the Primal Genesis Deck

Commander 2019 Ghired, Conclave Exile: reinforcing the Primal Genesis Deck

Vinicius Sorin

Upgrades for your populate deck!

CEDH C19 Deck Tech

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