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In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...
pioneer budget deck
Felipe Torres
This article brings a Sharuum commander decklists with plenty of ways to finish the game.
budget edh mtg commander
In today's article, I present five functional, mono-colored Pioneer budget decklists for you to use ...
pioneer budget decklists
Eduardo Silveira
In this article, we discuss a budget decklists based around Stranger Things' new Commanders: Eleven ...
edh commander budget strangerthings
Gabriel Nunes
This article brings a different version of Jeskai Stoneblade, entirely focused on responding to Mode...
modern jeskai competitive stoneblade
Thiago NileDeath
Today, we'll discuss Historic's recent bannings and take a look at what decks benefited from it the ...
historic jund arena aggro control
In today's article, I look at Pioneer's current Metagame, explaining how the format's top decks work...
pioneer decks competitive
A new season has started in Penny Dreadful, and in this article, we'll see what left from the previo...
online budget penny
What is Magic: The Gathering? How is it played, and why is it so popular? Discover the origin of the...
arena mtgo
Today, we'll talk about a cEDH Old Stickfingers deck focused on a Reanimator strategy!
cedh commander
Today, we'll delve deeper into the post-World Championship Standard Metagame, and talk about the ant...
standard aggro izzet arena
Today, we'll dissect one of the few combo decks that persist in Modern, BG Yawgmoth, or Golgari Sacr...
modern metagame yawgmoth
Are the Pioneer Challenger Decks really worth the purchase? In this article, I assess the potential ...
pioneer challenger decks upgrade
Among the drops, available for pre-order on October 18th, are the special edition with Stranger Thin...
news secret lair stranger things
With so much talk regarding Alrund's Epiphany and whether it should be banned or not, let's analyze ...
analysis standard epiphany ban izzet
In today's article, we talk about some of the best decks for Conquest, the new Commander variant!
edh conquest multiplayer
In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...
pauper competitive affinity
The player went undefeated through all the Standard rounds of the event and, with his Izzet Dragons,...
news worlds