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Flesh and Blood - Chicago Brawl: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Chicago Brawl: Top 8 and Decks


The first Outsider-legal tournament was a big one, and it showed a lot about what we can say is the ...

news competitive outsiders fab

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Charlotte: Top 8 + Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Charlotte: Top 8 + Decks


The latest development in competitive play for Flesh and Blood, the Battle Hardened: Charlotte, evol...

news fab charlotte tournament competitive

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks


The competitive circuit carries on, and Auckland's Calling, in New Zealand, brings a new aspect to t...

news fabtcg aucklan tournament competitive

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)


The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blo...

news competitive fab schedule

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview


The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...

news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive

FaB Analysis: The Impact of the 1/24 Banned and Suspended Announcement

FaB Analysis: The Impact of the 1/24 Banned and Suspended Announcement

Rafael de Melo

Bans are here, so, I'll present to you the changes proposed to the game and what to expect of the fu...

bans FaB FleshAndBlood

Commoner Deck Tech: Iyslander - Elemental Wizard

Commoner Deck Tech: Iyslander - Elemental Wizard

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, I bring Iyslander in Commoner, showing its position in the Metagame, how to play...

decktech FleshAndBlood FaB commoner

Commoner Guide: Flesh and Blood's Pauper + Decklists to start out!

Commoner Guide: Flesh and Blood's Pauper + Decklists to start out!

Cynthia Proença

Do you find Flesh and Blood interesting, but don't want to start out spending much? Here we have all...

commoner fab budget

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Gabriel Singh

If you came from Magic and need a little help to learn better how to play this wonderful TCG that is...

mtg fab starter blitz tips

Flesh and Blood TCG: What is it and the Concept behind the Game

Flesh and Blood TCG: What is it and the Concept behind the Game

Gabriel Singh

Get to know the new TCG where heroes battle to the death, with spectacular deckbuilding and mechanis...

what is it how it works fabtcg

An interview with Fabio Soeiro, Pauper Masters Online's finalist

An interview with Fabio Soeiro, Pauper Masters Online's finalist


An interview with Fabio Soeiro, known as Fsoeiro, which went 4-0 on Pauper Masters Online's swiss ro...

interview pauper masters burn

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