Magic: the Gathering
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Thiago NileDeath
Today, we explore some decklists for the next Qualifier Weekend and what we can expect on the tourna...
historic aggro combo jund
Felipe Torres
Today, we'll talk about a Turbo List, with Codie, Vocirefoux Codex, with the objective to win on tur...
cEDH commander
In today's article, I present another five budget decklists for Pioneer on the enemy-colors combinat...
pioneer budget deck
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll discuss the maindeck and sideboard choices of Modern's current most famous deck: Hamme...
modern competitive guide hammer time
New mechanics, return of a Tarkir keyword, Count Dracula, a reprint of a multi-format staple, and mo...
news innistrad spoiler
In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...
In today's article, I present five functional, mono-colored Pioneer budget decklists for you to use ...
pioneer budget decklists
Eduardo Silveira
In this article, we discuss a budget decklists based around Stranger Things' new Commanders: Eleven ...
edh commander budget strangerthings
This article brings a different version of Jeskai Stoneblade, entirely focused on responding to Mode...
modern jeskai competitive stoneblade
In today's article, I look at Pioneer's current Metagame, explaining how the format's top decks work...
pioneer decks competitive
Are the Pioneer Challenger Decks really worth the purchase? In this article, I assess the potential ...
pioneer challenger decks upgrade
Divinity Of Philosophy
Learn everything you need to play Teamfight Tactics and become Master in this game that you can play...
guide beginner economy stages
In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...
pauper competitive affinity
Cesar Cusin
In this interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro, you'll get to know the steps from the co...
interview gamedesigner roberto
The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...
news worlds magic
Today, we'll talk about Jund, which constantly changed since Modern's inception and is still present...
modern jund competitive
With its arrival to mobiles, Pokémon Unite has exploded in popularity in the last week. In this arti...
mobile pokemon unite
After a decade as the format's most iconic creature and the pillar of a deck that defines the Metaga...
legacy analysis delver