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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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In this article, we'll show you 3 competitive, yet budget-friendly lists that are perfect for beginn...
digimontcg budget beginners
If you'd like to know more about Digimon TCG, but are struggling to understand how combat works, thi...
DigimonTCG Combat guide
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we'll discuss Elves, one of the most classic Pauper decks. Despite the unfavorab...
pauper decktech sideguide competitive
Dereck Duque Estrada
Today, we'll explore Mono Red Aggro, its main strategies and synergies, as well as its best opening ...
Standard Aetherdrift Sideboard Aggro
Nykthos Ramp has recently stood out in Pioneer. The numbers don't lie: it is a good option for this ...
pioneer decktech sideguide competitive
Affinity, one of the most striking, and, currently, critical decks in Pauper, has a long history in ...
Pauper Competitive Metagame Affinity Trivia
In the first episode of this series, we list ten decks that made history in Magic: The Gathering dur...
Magic Decks History
Faeries are once again popular in Pauper, so, in today's article, we decided to explore a different ...
Pauper deck tech competitive sideboard guide
Even after all this time, some players are still determined to get more out of Cascade in the most v...
pauper competitive meta deck tech
In today's article, we'll explore Azorius Flash, a successor to Azorius Spirits that combines the ol...
pioneer deck tech sideguide competitive
Aetherdift is the new Magic: The Gathering set! It will change Standard entirely with new cards and ...
Standard dft competitive review
In this article we'll talk about the mechanics, main archetypes and best commons and uncommons - all...
Limited Draft Prerelease
Aetherdrift is the next Magic: The Gathering set! In today's article, we'll discuss a few commons fr...
pauper competitive metagame dft
Bounce strategies are dominating Standard! In today's article, we brought you a guide on one of the ...
Standard competitive deck tech
In a format dominated by Rakdos variants, can Azorius Control be a good out? In today's article, I'l...
pioneer competitive sideboard guide deck tech
Mono-Red is one of the pillars of Pauper nowadays, and red, as a color, also has a rich history in t...
Pauper competitive metagame
Modern is entering a new era: the last banlist introduced major changes to this format, so this new ...
Modern Deck Tech SideGuide
Pauper is dominated by value-focused strategies! In today's article, we'll explore one of the best d...
Pauper competitive meta