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Commander Deck Tech: Sarkhan, Soul Aflame

Commander Deck Tech: Sarkhan, Soul Aflame

Pedro Braga

One of the best and most loved tribes in Magic are the dragons. In today's article, we'll look at ho...

Commander Deck Tech Sarkhan Dragons

LoR: Enhancing the Free Decks in Patch 4.5.0

LoR: Enhancing the Free Decks in Patch 4.5.0

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll be enhancing the lists which were freely given in the store, with the Patch 4....

guide upgrade decks beginners

Magic: The Gathering Changes Card Bans To Once A Year

Magic: The Gathering Changes Card Bans To Once A Year


On a livestream, this past Tuesday (16), Wizard of the Coast representatives announced they would be...

news competitive mtg banlist

Hasbro: MTG has 16% Q1 revenue increase, "higher-than-expected performance"

Hasbro: MTG has 16% Q1 revenue increase, "higher-than-expected performance"


With the first financial quarter of 2023 passed, Hasbro has released some of its numbers and reports...

news market mtg hasbro

Wishlist: Cards that Absolutely need to be changed in Patch 4.4.0

Wishlist: Cards that Absolutely need to be changed in Patch 4.4.0

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll discuss my wishlist for Patch 4.4.0 which will be up on 26/04. I'll comment on...

opinion patch balance

Exclusive Johannes Voss Playmats return: All Designs revealed!

Exclusive Johannes Voss Playmats return: All Designs revealed!


The outstanding partnership has returned, bringing five more exclusive designs for playmats, all mad...

news playmat art mtg illustration

Pauper: Hangar Scrounger and the format's new combo!

Pauper: Hangar Scrounger and the format's new combo!


Hangar Scrounger allows a new infinite combo on Pauper alongside Seeker of Skybreak. In today's arti...

Pauper Hangar Scrounger Combo

Deck Guide: Gwen & Quinn: From Plat to Masters in less than a week

Deck Guide: Gwen & Quinn: From Plat to Masters in less than a week

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll talk about a very strong list, Gwen Demacia! You'll learn the best strategies...

guide deck tech masters

Handtraps vs. Board Breakers: Which one is better in the current format?

Handtraps vs. Board Breakers: Which one is better in the current format?

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll look at the advantages and disadvantages of handtraps and board breakers, as w...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Opinion Handtraps Board Breakers

Nissa and Chandra: MTG famous LGTBQIA+ couple are canon now!

Nissa and Chandra: MTG famous LGTBQIA+ couple are canon now!


A new update to the Lore in the March of the Machine story spoilers finally has Nissa and Chandra sh...

News lore chandra nissa mtg

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard


In today's article, we'll analyze the new Archangel Elspeth in the current Standard, and in which de...

Spoiler Review Elspeth Standard

Deck Guide: Thanos Lockjaw on Reveal

Deck Guide: Thanos Lockjaw on Reveal

Tony Lucas

Thanos is dominating the Marvel Snap ladder and tournament meta and in this article I'm going to bre...

Deck Guide Thanos Pool 5

LoR Mechanics, Rules and Interactions: Clearing up Questions

LoR Mechanics, Rules and Interactions: Clearing up Questions

André Marcus

Clear up all your questions about game mechanics and interaction rules, including the most advanced!

tutorial tips rules mechanics questions

Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG changes policy to include clauses against transphobia

Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG changes policy to include clauses against transphobia


A new addition to the Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG policy includes clauses against transphobia and anti-vax stances.

news trans yugioh rule change

Drawing a New Hand: The Intersection of Trading Card Games and Online Casinos

Drawing a New Hand: The Intersection of Trading Card Games and Online Casinos


Explore how the combination of trading card games and online casinos can create a unique gaming expe...

hand tcg online casino

How Has Blackjack’s Popularity Changed Over Time?

How Has Blackjack’s Popularity Changed Over Time?

Cards Realm

Learn about how blackjack came to rise among the aristocratic French set to now become available any...

cards games online casino gaming

How the Internet Changed The Sports World

How the Internet Changed The Sports World

Cards Realm

The Internet has revolutionized the sports world, enabling people to watch games online, access stat...

internet sports

Understanding Poker Hands: What Do They Mean?

Understanding Poker Hands: What Do They Mean?


Poker is a popular card game played in India, and understanding the different types of hands and the...

poker hands meaning

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