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Tony Lucas
In this article, you get a glimpse of what's to come in future card releases in the game and how exc...
Leaks New Cards
For the first time, I reached the highest Marvel Snap ranking, and I'm going to share the decks I us...
Competitive Marvel Snap Infinite Rank
All about the new cards of the Animals Assemble season! What else is worth buying?
Review Pool 5 Marvel Snap.
Everything you need to know about Hit-Monkey to get him off to a good start in the game's new season...
Hit-Monkey Decks
Meet and learn to pilot one of the funniest decks in Marvel Snap!
Deck Guide Jane Foster Mister Negative
Bast has given a new look to the well-known Patriot deck! Learn all about this new version and learn...
Patriot Pool 4 Deck Guide
Leech and Shuri pass by. Aero is impaired. Is the new token shop better? Let's analyze the situation...
Opinion Review Patch 13.13
In this article, you learn about the importance of priority and who reveals cards first in the game,...
Guide Beginners Priority
Thanos is dominating the Marvel Snap ladder and tournament meta and in this article I'm going to bre...
Deck Guide Thanos Pool 5
3 new cards are now part of Pool 5 and in this article I'm going to analyze which ones are worth buy...
Review Pool 5 March 2023
In this article, I review Nimrod, his weaknesses and strengths, and bring the best decks with him to...
Review Nimrod Marvel Snap
Which of the new bundles is better? That's what you'll find out in this article!
Bundles Analysis
Answer 10 questions and find out which LoR Targon champion is most like you!
test quiz targon lor
5 LoR followers are just like champions and also speak at the end of games. Do you want to know who ...
curiosity LoR Followers voice lines
In this article I talk about my experience with Marvel Snap, I talk about the "rivalry" between Snap...
OpiniãoSnap Economy LoR
Answer 8 questions and find out which Freljord champion in LoR is most like you!
test quiz freljord lor
Which of the new bundles is most worth buying? That's what you'll discover in this article!
Review Bundles Feburary 2023
The Star Guardian deck was the most nerfed one in this balancing patch. Gwen remains unchanged. Will...
opinion balancing meta