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Attention, Witchers, Scoundrels and Players!

Gwent Patch 10.1 is here!

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Amongst the changes, Draft has now left Early Access!

Now, players need Draft Tickets to play (each player will be granted a free one), but they'll also be rewarded based on their performance

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A core ability has been changed

Initiative now works like this: "Trigger this ability if you haven't used an Order this turn"

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Some neutral cards have been nerfed and buffed

Fisher King: Power changed from 5 to 6 Knickers: Provision cost changed from 8 to 7 Roach: Power changed from 3 to 4

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Good ol' Speartip: Asleep had his ability changed

It now reads: After 3 turns, Summon Old Speartip from your deck to this row and increase its base power by 6, then Banish self. If Old Speartip: Asleep takes damage, Summon Old Speartip from your deck, then Banish self instead

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Ardal aep Dahy's ability had its wording changed

However, its effect remains the same

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A few bugs have also been fixed

Regis: Reborn now correctly reacts to Bleeding on units with Immunity. Duchess's Informand and Emissary now correctly gain the Spying status, even if there were no targets for their Deploy abilities. Interacting with the Draft menu no longer causes the play menu to sometimes become partially unresponsive on Android devices.

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For the complete Patch Notes, check out the official website

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