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Welcome to the Season of the Bear!
This is the last season of 2021 on Gwent!
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"But Relminho, we are in 2022!"
That's correct, but Gwent's seasons aren't synchronized with the calendar at this moment!
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The next season will begin on April, which will then start a new year in the game
For now, let's check out the events happening in the Season of the Bear!
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Dual Casting 08.03 - 15.03

Once per turn, when you play a special card, spawn and play a copy of it immediately after.

Power Shift 15.03 - 22.03

At the start of the match, set the power of every unit in your starting deck to its Provision Cost.
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Battle Rush 22.03 - 29.03

Both players have just 8 seconds to complete their turn and 15 seconds to complete the redrawing phrase.

Seesaw 29.03 - 05.04

At the end of the player's turn: Damage player's odd power units by 1. Boost player's even power units by 1.
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The season will officially end on April 5th, 10:00 a.m. CEST
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Enjoy the Seasonal Modes of the Season of the Teddy Bear... I mean, just Bear!
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Kamigawa is here! Purchase your cards today on Card Kingdom!