Cards Realm

Runeterra's next expansion is coming!

To prepare for it, Riot has released a round of bug fixes in Patch 3.1.0

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Some problems have already been fixed in a microupdate:

-A bug that made some cards to be incorrectly displayed as Prismatic -A problem which made some visual effects from Maokai's Worldbreaker Saplingto not show up correctly in lower video qualities -They have also updated the Solar Temple board so that it doesn't show tremor effects to opponents without the board anymore, and the frequency of this effect was also reduced for those who are using this board.

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The following problems will be fixed soon, in the next Patch before the expansion launch:

-Tournament Match Time: A bug in which a letal attack restarted the match timer -A problem which happens when a Silenced unit had a negative effect of Mark of the Storm -A bug in which the Font Size of players who are using Japanese text was inconsistent in comparison to other languages

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-Many problems with the Card Colletion filters will be fixed -When playing Dragon's Fury in a Spell Shielded unit, the effect will be easier to understand as the Shield's bubble will simply burst instead of hitting the Nexus.

The following problems will be fixed soon, in the next Patch before the expansion launch:

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This will be the last expansion in the Bandle City block

The next expansion will be launched on February 16th, 2022

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Demacia Freljord Targon/Bandlecity Freljord/Bandlecity

There are 4 new Champions planned, from the following regions:

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Keep an eye on Cards Realm for more updates on the next expansion as soon as they are released!

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Kamigawa is coming! Purchase your Magic cards today on Card Kingdom!