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If you use Reddit and play Magic, you have probably visited r/magicTCG
Yesterday, this famous subreddit went chaotic
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Many users started complaning that they were banned for mentioning or talking about proxies
Proxies are cards that aren't legally printed by Wizards of the Coast (such as amateur test cards)
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This type of card is frequently used by Commander players to test deck ideas before purchasing the actual cards
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While technically not allowed by Wizards, proxies are common in the Magic community, and most players accept their use as long as you are playing casually to test how a card will fit into a deck
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The polemic started after mod kodemage started banning a lot of users for mentioning the use of proxies
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The community complained that this was unfair, due to proxies being a common subject to talk about in MTG
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Actinide, the owner of the subreddit, has since then removed kodemage from the mod position, and also rewrote the subreddit's rules
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Now, "Mentioning "proxies" in the context of "playtest cards" will be fine. Your post may still be initially filtered based on the Automod so we can evaluate your post, but if it is in a harmless context, it will be fine."
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Kamigawa is here! Purchase your cards today on Card Kingdom!