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A huge problem in online games is the toxic behavior of some players
Riot just announced some changes in their Behavioral Systems philosophy
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The company has a new Product Lead for Behavioral Systems, Hana Dinh (TimTamMonster)
Hana recognizes that players are disappointed with Riot's lack of progress in this are of their games
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Most of their announced changes are focused on League of Legends
Still, we expect these changes to also reflect how punishments and rewards are handled in Valorant and Legends of Runeterra as well
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They will "shift the focus to the 95%"
According to Riot, only 5% of players in LoL display consistent toxicity. Thus, they will be improving rewards and focusing on the 95% which are usually well behaved
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Hana mentions in the official article that they are also upgrading their models of Verbal Abuse detection
They expect an improvement of 10 times in detecting and reacting to Verbal Abuse
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In League of Legends, they'll also be tying more punishments to reports made during Champion Select
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We hope these changes bring positive changes to Riot Games' games!
Yes, we could have phrased that differently, but our Social Media guy thought this is funny :P
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