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A survey was recently done on Twitter by MTGGoldfish about MTG Arena
It provides insights about a few player preferences in the game
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Saffron Olive highlighted the results on his Twitter today, about which mode people prefer to watch and play
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According to their survey, 73% of MTG Arena players prefer to play Best of One matches in Standard
Only 27% of the people who answered prefer to play Best of Three
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The interesting thing is that in another pool, the results become exactly the opposite
Most players (67%) prefer to watch Best of Three games, despite most preferring to play Best of One!
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World Champion Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa commented on these results
"My guess is that when you're playing Bo3, you need to dedicate a full block of time and it's hard to commit to it. But if you're watching you can leave/pause at any time so it's OK."
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Streamer Noxius also commented, presenting a different hypothesis:
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In any case, the results of Goldfish's pool are an interesting material to think about!
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