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Do you know the Command Zone podcast?
It is one of the largest content producers focused on Commander in Magic: the Gathering
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They have just announced a partnership with Wizards of the Coast
Through it, live podcast episodes will be produced, where viewers can hop into the discussion!
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"It's gonna be super fun to hang out and interact with the audience in a live setting!" said Josh Lee Kwai, one of the hosts. "Definitely not something we get to do very often."
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"Each of these live streams—planned for March, April, May, and June—are free to join and watch. You can register to attend the March 29 live episode now using the sign-up form" in Magic's official website
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The first episode will be called "THE WORST MISTAKES COMMANDER PLAYERS MAKE"
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It will happen on
Mar 29 - 11:00am PST
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We are excited to see Jimmy and Josh in real time!
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