Cards Realm

The hunt is coming to Gwent!

Season of the Wild Hunt has begun!

Cards Realm

New Seasonal Modes will be available, like:

07.12. - 14.12. Patience is a virtue! At the start of your turn, transform all cards in your hand into random ones that cost 1 provision more

Cards Realm

14.12. - 21.12. Dual Casting Once per turn, when you play a special card, spawn and play a copy of it immediately

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21.12. - 28.12. Power Shift At the start of the match, set the power of every unit in your starting deck to its Provision Cost

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28.12. - 04.01. Battle Rush Both players have just 8 seconds to complete their turn and 15 seconds to complete the redrawing phrase

Cards Realm

04.01. - 13.01. Seesaw On the end of the player's turn: Damage player's odd power units by 1, Boost player's even power units by 1

Cards Realm

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