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We have upcoming news for Magic: the Gathering!
These will include Organized Play news and MTG Arena economy news!
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We don't have many details yet, but here's what we know:
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The official announcement about Organized Play is coming on March 31st, according to Wizards in a WeeklyMTG Stream
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The stream about the MTGA economy will come sooner, on March 17th
MTG Rocks tried to contact Wizards about this and, according to them, the company said we shouldn't expect any "earth shattering news"
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As for the Organized Play, this is a controversial topic since the Rivals League and Pro League shut down
William “Huey” Jensen, which announced last year that he would become the Director of Play Programs, will be on the stream about this theme
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World Champion Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa commented on this in his Twitter
"Apparently there's gonna be an OP announcement on March 31st. Fingers crossed they remember there's life outside of the United States"
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Let's hope we have great news incoming!
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