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Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we'll explore another Pauper deck that might become a viable option for the curr...
pauper deck tech sideguide competitive
The death of Control decks in Legacy is upon us. Yet again (as it has been countless times). But lo ...
Legacy deck tech miracle jeskai
In this article, we'll go over an interesting deck that has performed well in Standard, Jeskai Talen...
Standard Metagame Competitive
In today's article, we'll cover the new variant of Convoke decks in Standard and their splash to blu...
Jeskai Convoke Deck Guide Standard
Lightning Helix is available in Pioneer and Explorer due to its reprint in MKM. In today's article, ...
Explorer Arena MTGA DeckTech
Pedro Braga
In today's deck tech, I'll show you my main Commander deck! We'll see the adventures of The Eleventh...
commander decktech jeskai doctor who
In today's article, we present a guide to the latest version of Pauper's Jeskai Affinity!
Jeskai Affinity Deck Guide Pauper
This article is a comprehensive guide to Pauper Jeskai Affinity, featuring a deck tech and sideboard...
pauper affinity lotr
A comprehensive guide to Jeskai Affinity Pauper, providing a detailed overview of the deck, tech cho...
Pauper Affinity Jeskai Artifact
Lucas Santana
Jeskai Control is one of the most played decks in Legacy. Let's understand its advantages and what l...
deck guide legacy jeskai control
Tiago Fuguete
Jeskai Ephemerate is the deck that has the answer to everything in the format! Let's see how it resp...
pauper jeskai.ephemerate deck tech sideboard
Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...
Standard jeskai analysis
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll analyze Jeskai Control's capacity to always adapt to the Metagame, running recent and ...
modern mtg competitive
This article brings a different version of Jeskai Stoneblade, entirely focused on responding to Mode...
modern jeskai competitive stoneblade
A new addition from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might bring Arclight Phoenix back into the competitive ...
modern phoenix challenge
The Jeskai Breach deck can be a great bet for your next Modern Grand Prix
Deck tech