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Card Highlight: Arcane Proxy on Pioneer and Modern

Card Highlight: Arcane Proxy on Pioneer and Modern


Reminiscent of one of the most powerful cards of the last decade and interacting with zero mana spel...

The Brothers' War Review

Card Highlight: Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim in Standard & Pioneer

Card Highlight: Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim in Standard & Pioneer


Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim's ability set is solid enough to make it a potential Standard staple and a ...

Teferi The Brothers' War MTGBRO

All 4 Decklists from Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022

All 4 Decklists from Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022


Each of these four decks lets you jump into Pioneer gameplay with everything you need to get started...

pioneer deck challenger

Pioneer: Azorius Ensoul Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Azorius Ensoul Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Natan Pires

UW Ensoul is one of the most economically viable decks on Pioneer. In a Metagame dominated by expens...

Deck Guide Azorius Ensoul Pioneer

The Pioneer Metagame in 2022

The Pioneer Metagame in 2022


A compilation of the main Pioneer archetypes in 2022 and their respective strategies!

Pioneer Metagame Analysis 2022

Card Highlight: Liliana of the Veil on Pioneer & Standard

Card Highlight: Liliana of the Veil on Pioneer & Standard


Liliana of the Veil will be reprinted on Dominaria United. In this article, we look at its potential...

Liliana reprint standard pioneer

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price


Playing the best deck comes naturally to competitive Magic. But when it creates noticeable advantage...

broken deck bans pioneer competitive

Quiz: Which Pioneer deck suits you best?

Quiz: Which Pioneer deck suits you best?

Eduardo Silveira

When in doubt between which is the best archetype or deck to play, let's find out what your Pioneer ...

Pioneer quiz

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota


Expressive Iteration and Winota, Joiner of Forces cards were banned in two formats: Pioneer and Expl...

explorer pioneer winota

Pioneer Deck: Azorius Control's Ascension

Pioneer Deck: Azorius Control's Ascension


Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty brought some powerful pieces to Azorius Control, propelling it to the top of ...

Azorius Pioneer Kamigawa

Pioneer Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Pioneer Set Review: Kamigawa Neon Dynasty


In today's article, I review the most important cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Pioneer!

review pioneer kamigawa

Pioneer Deck Tech: Dimir Rogues

Pioneer Deck Tech: Dimir Rogues


In today's article, I analyze Pioneer's Dimir Rogues, played by SeventhProphet to reach Top 4 on las...

rogues dimir pioneer deck tech

Top 10 best 2021 decks for Pioneer

Top 10 best 2021 decks for Pioneer

Thiago Fogaça

A flashback of Pioneer's metagame in 2021 and its ten most-played decks throughout the year!

pioneer decks top 10

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Pioneer

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Pioneer


In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or cards cycle) that had the most impact in Pioneer on ...

pioneer top 10 2021

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Orzhov Vampires

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Orzhov Vampires


In today's article, I analyze the Orzhov Vampires, Pioneer deck that had five placements on last Sat...

vampires pioneer analysis

Pioneer: Rakdos Midrange and Metagame Adaptation

Pioneer: Rakdos Midrange and Metagame Adaptation


In today's article, we dissect the Rakdos Midrange, deck that is showing impressive results on Pion...

analysis pioneer metagame rakdos

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Control

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Control


In today's article, we analyze the Izzet Control, which had two placements on last weekend's Challen...

analysis pioneer deck tech izzet

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Selesnya Humans

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Selesnya Humans


In today's article, we dissect Selesnya Humans, Pioneer's new deck that made two places in last week...

selesnya humans pioneer

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