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Magic: the Gathering
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Check out Bloomburrow's four decklists of preconstructed Commander decks: Animated Army, Family Matt...
noticia commander bloomburrow
Nominated has a long history with Blizzard Entertainment, where he worked on World of Warcraft and D...
noticia wizards hasbro
After a Top 4 full of mirrors between Nadu decks, Simon Nielsen was victorious in Modern's biggest p...
noticia pro tour modern
Check out the Top 8 decklists from the Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3, with 4 Bant Nadu, 2 Mono Black Ne...
noticia Pro Tour Top 8 Deckliusts
During MagicCon Amsterdam, Wizards announced the newest Magic: The Gathering Core Set - Foundations,...
noticia core set Foundations
The Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Metagame has been revealed, with several new decks enabled by the new...
Noticia pro tour modern
Artifact from Modern Horizons 3 was banned from Pauper and marks the first pre-ban of a card in the ...
Pauper Ban Notícia
Check out the decklists for the four Modern Horizons 3 Commander decks: Creative Energy, Eldrazi Inc...
notícia commander decklists
An Alpha Black Lotus with grading 10 was sold for $3 million this Monday, breaking the record for th...
noticia magic black lotus
Check out the Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction Top 8 decklists, with 2 Esper Midrange, 2 Four-Co...
Pro Tour Decklists Noticia
With a high predominance of Esper Midrange and few appearances of new archetypes, the Pro Tour Outla...
notícia metagame pro tour
Outlaws of Thunder Junction will have five different set symbols on the same product. Check out how ...
Notícia Guia Outlaws
In this Monday's Banned and Restricted update, Wizards of the Coast decided to ban Violent Outburst ...
Notícia Banlist Modern
During the WeeklyMTG, WotC confirmed a new Banned and Restricted update in Magic for next Monday, Ma...
notícia banlist atualização
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
We have separated the lineups of the top 8 players from the last Runeterra Open. This was the last e...
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After disputed finals against Simon Nielsen (Boros Heroic), Seth Manfield (Rakdos Vampires) is crown...
Notícia Pro Tour
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