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Tap, untap... Oh, I love when my plans work! This new Aetherdrift enchantment will go really well wi...
legacy aetherdrift unstoppable plan
Do you have a useless artifact and want to turn it into something new? Repurposing Bay lets you turn...
legacy highlight aetherdrift
The December 16th update removed Jegantha, The One Ring and Amped Raptor from Modern, Psychic Frog a...
noticia banlist modern legacy pioneer
1 Mountain, 3 damage: That's the mantra of one of the most popular budget decks in Legacy, Burn. Now...
Legacy highlight burn
The new Banned and Restricted update on August 26 removes key pieces from Magic's eternal formats an...
News Banlist Modern:Legacy Pioneer
In the most recent banned and restricted update, Wizards made no changes to competitive formats, but...
News Banlist Pioneer
Very few cards in Magic: The Gathering are as iconic as Necropotence - the Skull! Banned in Legacy s...
legacy necrodominance modern horizons mh3
Modern Horizons 3 is just around the corner! It's time to unseal the secrets of Kozilek! Kozilek's U...
Legacy modern Horizons Kozilek’s Unsealing
Pacto das Guildas
Modern Horizons 3 is just around the corner! In today's article, I'll talk about Wrath of the Skies,...
Modern Legacy Vintage MH3
Knight of the Reliquary is dead, but healthy. At least as healthy as its Zombie version might be! Wi...
Mh3 legacy wight reliquary
Today, we got another ban update! After so long, Wizards of the Coast finally decided to change Vint...
Legacy vintage ban stickers
In today's article, we separate ten Legacy cards that could enter Modern with MH3 and five cards who...
Modern Horizons 3 Speculation:Modern
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll analyze the main cards from the Legacy of Destruction set, and how they'll ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Legacy of Destruction
Straight from Kamigawa to Magic: The Gathering's Wild West, this Ninja represents a lot of card draw...
legacy outlaws review satory
Take a look: another Hatebear that has potential for Legacy! Let's analyze this new Doorkeeper that ...
Legacy karlov thrull
In today's article, we look at the potential of the newest comprehensive sideboard answer, Pick Your...
Pauper Modern Legacy Spoiler
Let's take a look at one of the largest Legacy tournaments of 2023! Held in Prague, 713 players gath...
legacy eternal weekend metagame
Daniel Linhares
70% of enterprises today still rely on legacy systems, costing billions annually in maintenance and ...