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In today's article, I present my review of Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate for Pauper!
pauper review commander legends
A compilation of decks that fit the Midrange category on Pauper, with a breakdown of their strategie...
pauper archetypes guide midrange
The new Commander Legends brought some exciting additions to Pauper Commander!
Tony Lucas
Though some units have their names written in their cards, not all of them do. In this article you w...
curiosities units lor
Renato Castro
Love them or hate them, they are still there and can be great tools. Want to learn more about alignm...
rpg alignments d&d guide
Mardu Greasefang is the deck that demonstrates the best results in Explorer's competitive landscape ...
mardu explorer deck tech
In this guide, we'll see how to build a PDH deck from scratch, so you can play in your own style, wi...
deckbuilding pauper commander pdh
A guide on how to play Taliyah Ziggs, the list is focused on landmarks and their destruction. I will...
Competitive Deck Tech Landmarks
A compilation of archetypes that fit the Aggro category in Pauper, with a breakdown of their respect...
pauper archetypes guide aggro
In today's article, I present a budget version of Mono Red Aggro in Explorer, with tips on how to pi...
explorer arena mono red budget
Felipe Torres
The third episode of my article series where I talk about combos used in Commander and ways to stop ...
edh commander combo
Pedro Fernandes
With every expansion start, players around the world create new decks and discover a new meta. In th...
decks hs voyage to the sunken city hs
Are you a Top Laner or are you thinking about star playing in this lane? Then take this quick quiz t...
quiz toplane top champion
Winota, Joiner of Forces and Tibalt's Trickery were banned from Explorer. What does this mean for th...
analysis explorer metagame ban
Eduardo Silveira
Find out how much you know about Commander on this new quiz!
edh quiz commander
Want to play in a setting that hasn't been adapted yet, but think it's going to be too much work to ...
scenarios adaptations anime movies rpg
In today's article, I analyze how much Streets of New Capenna has changed Standard, I present the ma...
analysis metagame standard
This article will learn why some of the most played online casino games are at the top of the list. ...
casino bustadice