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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Pedro Braga
In today's article, let's review the five best cards from The Brothers' War for Modern!
Modern Top 5 The Brothers' War
Tony Lucas
Rotation is coming to LoR in 2022 and it will bring big changes to the game, but what are the champi...
opinion rotation champions
In the quest to present different commanders and strategies, we arrived at Group Slug, a strategy fo...
Commander Top 5 Group Slug
Are you lost with so many decks and don't know what to bring to Seasonals? In this article I'll help...
seasonals competitive decks
Aurélio Barcelos
What are Magic's worst mechanics? See the list of 5 keywords that let us down the most and their rea...
keywords worst top 5
Dominaria United, brings us wonderful cards for the Modern format. In today's article, we list them...
Modern dominaria united top 5
In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!
Commander burn EDH
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the 5 best decks for the format as of August 2022. Check out the details ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 5 Decks
In this article, we discuss the five best commanders for Group Hug, a fun strategy which has been ri...
EDH Commander Top 5
In this article, we discuss five of the most confusing keywords in Magic: The Gathering
review keywords complex
In this article, you will learn a bit about agents and their roles, and find out who is the best age...
valorant agents top5
Green is one of the strongest colors in Magic. But back then, it wasn't that great, and today I brin...
humor lists
Antonio Carlos
Today, the judge Antonio Faillace presents the most recurring questions that he saw during Kamigawa:...
judge rules kamigawa
Powerful as swords, fast as Ninjas: Today I share my thoughts on my Top 5 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty car...
modern top 5 kamigawa
On a good date, you want to feel a wide range of emotions. You desire happiness, hope, and all the w...
board first dating
Get to know the five best gambling companies based on their revenue and market cap, with a brief rev...
gambling companies market cap top 5
This article will learn why some of the most played online casino games are at the top of the list. ...
casino bustadice
Sometimes, studying too much to get good grades can be a burden and even lead to a burnout. Today, w...
games studying