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Rodrigo William
We listed the top 10 best Moltres in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene and E...
kanto moltres tcg
Straight from Kamigawa to Magic: The Gathering's Wild West, this Ninja represents a lot of card draw...
legacy outlaws review satory
In today's article, we'll show you a deck featuring giant robots with Ultra Magnus, Tactician as the...
transformers ultra magnus deck tech edh
Check out an upgrade to the Ultra Necrozma deck with Garbodor, which got a formidable enhancement an...
Expanded Dragon Type Ultra Necrozma
We revisited the birds of Kanto, which having a good amount of HP, it has a great attack value and a...
PokémonTCG Kanto Birds Expanded
Get to know one of the best MIll/Deckout strategies on Expanded, with Moltres from the Sun/Moon: Tea...
Moltres Pokémon Expanded
What is Voltron? And what are the best commanders for that? After analyzing the archetype, we bring ...
voltron Commander commander
Eduardo Silveira
Continuing our analysis of Universes Beyond Warhammer 40,000, we present a suggested deck budget fro...
Warhammer 40k Ultramarines Commander
In this article, we assess Spiritomb's potential along with Galarian Moltres!
Standard Moltres Spiritomb
In this article I will show you five affordable Modern decklists for Magic Online, in order to celeb...
Modern Budget MTGO Tech
Daniel Linhares
Ready to dive into something exciting? The Ultraman Card Game is shaking things up in the world of t...
Something exciting is happening in the world of trading card games - Ultraman is making its grand en...