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On today's article, I show you my analysis of the possible impact of the Mystical Archives for Histo...
Historic Arena Strixhaven Metagame
Welcome to the first article in my free-to-play series. In today's article, I will be tackling the b...
MTGA Free to Play Guide Beginner Arena
En el Once Preguntas de hoy, haremos una entrevista a Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa.¡Desplácese hacia aba...
Entrevista PV PVDDR MTG pro Arena
"They are all my pieces, Jace Beleren. They Always were. I just no longer want to play."*
Legacy Show and Tell Decktech MTG Emrakul
En el analisis de Metagame de esta semana, vamos a ver los resultados de la primera semana después d...
Analisis Metagame Modern Ban Challenge
There was a complete silence about Pauper in the latest Banned & Restricted update. But how exactly...
Pauper Analysis Metagame
I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...
Tournament Free MTGO Arena
El analisis del metagame de los Challenges de esta semana revela un nuevo deck que está presente en ...
Análisis Metagame:Modern Legacy
This week's Challenges reveals a new deck taking spots in Modern and Legacy: Valki Cascade !
Analysis Metagame Modern Legacy
It took a while, but at last the PDH articles are back! Check out Kaldheim's top six commanders for ...
PDH Kaldheim Pauper Commander
I present you my top 5 cards from Kaldheim for Standard, Pioneer, Modern and Pauper !
Review Kaldheim
We gathered some specialists from both Brazil and Italy to talk about Tron's Matchup against Walls!
Pauper Tron Walls
On the second part of my Deck Guide, I'll provide a sideboard guide for Pioneer's Boros Burn, with a...
Burn Pioneer Boros Sideguide
Sean bienvenidos. Hoy les mostraré la segunda parte de mi Deck Guide, donde les presentaré una guía ...
Burn pioneer Boros Sideguide
¡En el artículo de hoy, haré un análisis aprofundizada del arquetipo Burn en el Pioneer, lo cual me ...
Pioneer Burn Deck Guide
Despues de casi diez años, hay una señal de un Phyrexiano en la lore de Magic. En este artículo, con...
Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore
On today's article, I'll make a deep analysis on the Burn archetype for Pioneer, which I've been ded...
Pedro Braga
Aquí aprendemos a usar la habilidad cascada y vemos ideas sobre cómo construir un comandante barato,...
commander edh