الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...
news nerf patch lor
Thiago NileDeath
We'll talk about updated lists with Jumpstart that are being used and have the potential to become e...
historic jumpstart decklists
Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...
analysis decks standard2022 arena
Felipe Torres
This article is about a recent Commander variant, Conquest, which is gaining ground wherever it goes...
Conquest competitive mtg
Gabriel Nunes
Tron is back into the Modern metagame. Today, we'll explore how it got back into the Challenges and ...
modern tron metagame
In today's article, we see a difference in Standard between MTGO and Arena, a new variant of Living...
metagame modern standard pauper legacy
Here we'll discuss each of the 15 products featured in Magic Showcase 2021, what we can expect from ...
analysis 2022 showcase secretlair
In addition to the new partnerships, updates were also announced on other partnerships, such as Warh...
secretlair universesbeyond lord of the rings
Come see the Pioneer Challenger decklists featured in Magic Showcase 2021, which brings us a competi...
pioneer challenger decks
Let's get to know a little more about the Zombies, a remarkable Magic tribe, which has a history ins...
zombie lore history tribal
This article will feature a list of Kraum, Ludevic’s Opus and Armix, Filigree Thrasher, a cEDH deckl...
cedh edh commander
In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...
archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo
A closer look at Jund Food, which appeared making results in recent weeks and an important lesson ab...
modern jund challenge ragavan
In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...
In today's article, we dissect the current version of Mono-Black Control, used by the player Tweedel...
decktech pauper mbc mono black
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
With the launch of multi-region cards, a lot of players have questions about which cards can be used...
BandleCity Multi-region LoR Expansion
Here is a list of ten board games that we recommend for people who want to enjoy quality time with t...
Eduardo Silveira
Rakdos' performances are dramatic, violent and disturbing. Kalain has a thrilling ending in this sac...
edh commander budget d&d