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The Japanese website of Wizards of the Coast revealed the 63 arts that will only be possible to be f...
arena standard strixhaven mystical archive
Thiago NileDeath
Hoy hablaremos sobre Sultai ultimatum del Standard con una guía de side para los principales matches...
guía tech side sultai standard Arena
Welcome to the first article in my free-to-play series. In today's article, I will be tackling the b...
MTGA Free to Play Guide Beginner Arena
En el Once Preguntas de hoy, haremos una entrevista a Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa.¡Desplácese hacia aba...
Entrevista PV PVDDR MTG pro Arena
"They are all my pieces, Jace Beleren. They always were. I just no longer want to play."*
Legacy Show and Tell Decktech MTG Emrakul
Ricardo Mattana
Understand how the Cascade mechanic is messing with the "rock-paper-scissors" of the Pauper metagame...
Pauper Cascade MTG Snow
"They are all my pieces, Jace Beleren. They Always were. I just no longer want to play."*
The second Draft will take place tomorrow! We have released the 44 decklists that will play this sec...
pauper royale tournament
This article talks about the results of the last League Weekend and which are the next steps of Stan...
Standard Kaldheim Arena Naya Temur
Deck tribal con un toque de interacción con las tierras nevadas.
budget standard elves snow arena
Pedro Braga
On this article, I make a Deck Tech of BG Infect and show its differences when compared to its most ...
Modern Decktech Infect Mtg
Today we'll analyze Kaldheim's draft metagame and what points to explore one month after the release...
Kaldheim Draft Limited
En el analisis de Metagame de esta semana, vamos a ver los resultados de la primera semana después d...
Analisis Metagame Modern Ban Challenge
There was a complete silence about Pauper in the latest Banned & Restricted update. But how exactly...
Pauper Analysis Metagame
In this year that everything turned upside down, I will show you what happened to the people who pla...
magic article
La herramientas para el éxito: ¡atacando y farmeando victorias en este formato!
kaldheim draft limited MTG aggro
A quick guide to the basics of Kaldheim's Sealed format before the Arena Open and Qualifier Weekend.
Kaldheim Sealed Limited Mtg Arena
I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...
Tournament Free MTGO Arena