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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Tony Lucas
This article gathers all the information we have about this possible new exclusive LoR champion!
Leaks Theories Champions
Rodrigo William
Get to know a little about the Lugia-VStar deck, one of Japan's favorite decks with 50% approval rec...
Lugia Pokémon Deck Tech Silver Tempest
Find out which is the best role and position for you in League of Legends with just 8 questions.
leagueoflegends lol role position quiz
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
In these 30 years, many releases and changes generated chaos and looked like they were going to kill...
Opinion 30 years top 30
The Standard rotation is approaching, and in today's article I present ten cards with enough potenti...
standard top 10 rotation
We'll explore the possibilities to build a Mewtwo-VStar deck with the new collection: Pokémon GO TCG...
PokémonTCG Deck Tech
In today's article, I analyze how much Streets of New Capenna has changed Standard, I present the ma...
analysis metagame standard
Nell' articolo di oggi andrò a presentarvi quelli che sono i punti principali emersi nel pauper succ...
pauper competitivo analisi
In today's article, I present an analysis of the main points of what has been happening in Pauper si...
pauper competitive analysis
Vinicius Sorin
A selection of the most dreadful characters that appeared on Magic: The Gathering's lore post-Mendin...
lore villains top 10
Thiago NileDeath
Today, we'll discuss Historic's recent bannings and take a look at what decks benefited from it the ...
historic jund arena aggro control
Today, we'll delve deeper into the post-World Championship Standard Metagame, and talk about the ant...
standard aggro izzet arena
In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...
pauper competitive affinity
An analysis of exclusive cards, JumpStart, the future of Historic, and Magic Arena's competition wit...
analysis historic Jumpstart Arena
"They are all my pieces, Jace Beleren. They always were. I just no longer want to play."*
Legacy Show and Tell Decktech MTG Emrakul
We gathered some specialists from both Brazil and Italy to talk about Tron's Matchup against Walls!
Pauper Tron Walls
Nel corso della vita ci sono diversi fattori che portano ad una perdita consistente di capelli, come...
capelli pedita