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Today, we'll talk about one of the best tempo decks in Pauper, Dimir Terror - a deck with a powerful...
deck tech side guide competitive pauper
In today's article, we'll go through a list I played in the second season of the Roraima Pauper Leag...
pauper deck tech side guide competitive
In today's article, we'll discuss Rakdos Burn, a deck that was a bit unpopular in Pauper in the past...
Izzet Phoenix has returned to the top of the Pioneer metagame as one of the best decks at the moment...
Pioneer Deck Tech Side Guide
Thiago NileDeath
Este artículo actualiza la guía de Side Sultai Ultimatum, el deck más usado en el formato Standard.
deck tech side guide standard sultai arena
Sideboard tech and guide which completes the three-article series about Flicker Tron.
Sideboard Decktech Pauper