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Terran, Zerg, or Protoss - pick your side! StarCraft has finally come to Hearthstone as a mini-set t...
hearthstone heroes of starcraft review
Pedro Fernandes
The Heroes of Starcraft mini-set is finally here! Check out these three decks if you want to test ou...
Heroes of Starcraft hearthstone
December's gone and it took Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble with it. Now, a month later, let's check ...
Legacy Metagame Analysis
The more things change, the more they stay the same. The December 2024 banlist brought back from the...
Legacy deck tech delver temur canadian
Modern Horizons 1, 2, & 3 and The Lord of the Rings were released with Modern in mind, but they also...
legacy metagame review
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll discuss a deck that is as cheap as it is aggressive. This deck is incredib...
deck tech competitive one piece tcg
In today's article, we'll discuss the new Tinybones commander. With this Commander deck and Tinybone...
deck tech commander edh
The OP09 - Emperors in the New World set focuses on the Yonkou, the greatest pirates in the One Piec...
Review One Piece TCG OP09
Rodrigo William
Check out the most expensive card from each Scarlet & Violet set - from 2023 to 2024!
Scarlet and Violet Pokémon TCG Market
2024 hit Legacy like a train. From Grief's reign of terror to its ban, then the Psychic Frog takeove...
Legacy Rewind Review
Finally, Wizards of the Coast once again updated their banlist! Well, what does it mean for Legacy? ...
Legacy metagame review banlist
One of the most popular classes in Hearthstone right now is Hunter, and some of the most powerful me...
decks hunter hearthstone
A new Magic: The Gathering ban announcement is near - December 16th, to be exact. We, Legacy players...
legacy metagame review ban
We have finally been graced with a new Jumpstart set, and a great one to boot! In today's article, w...
commander foundations jumpstart
Shaman is the most popular class after The Great Dark Beyond set came out, and there are many powerf...
ranking shaman hearthstone
1155 players! Eternal Weekend NA was unarguably the biggest Legacy event of 2024. Now, by analyzing ...
legacy metagame review eternal weekend
It's the end of times, doomsday is here! That's what happens to your opponent when you pay 3 black m...
legacy deck tech doomsday
Daniel Linhares
Winning real money at top online casinos feels amazing. Discover exciting slots, table games, and li...