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Pauper Set Review: Dominaria United

Pauper Set Review: Dominaria United


Dominaria United might not be the most impactful set for Pauper, but it definitely brings many usefu...

pauper dominaria united review

Where to play Magic nearby: A guide to find players and cards

Where to play Magic nearby: A guide to find players and cards

Tabata Marques

Are you just starting to play and would like to have company? Or moved to a new city and don't know ...

guide wpn arena mtgo

Pokémon Sword & Shield Full Art: Top 10 most valuable cards

Pokémon Sword & Shield Full Art: Top 10 most valuable cards

Rodrigo William

See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.

PokémonTCG value

Modern: Urza Affinity  - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Modern: Urza Affinity - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Rodrigo Monteiro

Get to know everything about one of the most interesting decks in Modern, Urza Affinity!

affinity modern urza deck guide

Kayn, Master Yi and Norra: First Impressions

Kayn, Master Yi and Norra: First Impressions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the new Awakening expansion coming on August 31st, we will have 5 new champions. 3 of them have...

expansion first impressions awakening

Top 5 Best Burn Commanders for EDH

Top 5 Best Burn Commanders for EDH

Pedro Braga

In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!

Commander burn EDH

Top 10 Characters who can become LoR exclusive Champions like Norra

Top 10 Characters who can become LoR exclusive Champions like Norra

Tony Lucas

With the arrival of LoR's first exclusive champion, a sea of possibilities has opened up. In this ar...

champions theories launches

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Diego "Notorius"

Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.

game guide master duel support.

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats


Temporary Lockdown is one of the most powerful cards revealed in Dominaria United so far, and it has...

analysis dominaria card

Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Entei V

Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Entei V

Rodrigo William

Watch the powerful and destructive Radiant Charizard in all of its splendor, dealing an incredible 2...

Pokémon TCG standard deck tech

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents


Wizards Presents was the big event that announced the 2023 releases and sets. In this article, we an...

magic 2023 wizards presents opinion

Commander Deck Tech: Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward

Commander Deck Tech: Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward

Eduardo Silveira

In this article, we explore several possibilities for Abdel Adrian, going through different formats ...

abdel arian deck tech

How to build a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG deck

How to build a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG deck

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll give you tips on how you can build a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG deck from the beginning fr...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Deckbuilding

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Standard Deck Tech: Reshiram Amazing Rare + Radiant Hawlucha

Standard Deck Tech: Reshiram Amazing Rare + Radiant Hawlucha

Rodrigo William

Come check out the list of this Pokémon with great potential since its launch in Shining Fates and t...

Pokémon Standard Reshiram Deck

Best Ways To Improve Your Studying Skills

Best Ways To Improve Your Studying Skills


Since there is no magic bullet that will magically improve your study skills, there are things you c...

studying improve skills

How to Beat the Odds at Payout Online Casinos

How to Beat the Odds at Payout Online Casinos


Since online casinos have become so popular in the last decade, many people wonder how they can maxi...

odds casino online payout

Bitcoin gambling sites pros and cons

Bitcoin gambling sites pros and cons


Bitcoin can be used for gambling on some casino sites and as with most cases: where there is additio...

gambling bitcoin sites

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