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Magic: the Gathering
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the top 6 worst champions in Legends of Runeterra after rotation. You...
opinion top 6 ranked
Don't know which recent commanders are bad in the command zone? So come and find out in this article...
Commander EDH Top 5 Worst
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll analyze some of the worst Magic cards, this time in everyone's favorite co...
magic legacy compilation
There are powerful commanders, but what about the bad ones? Check this article for a list of the wor...
Commander Ranking Worst Commanders
Lucas Santana
A list of the most neglected sets during the (almost) thirty years of Magic: The Gathering's existen...
Opinion top 10
Aurélio Barcelos
What are Magic's worst mechanics? See the list of 5 keywords that let us down the most and their rea...
keywords worst top 5
Green is one of the strongest colors in Magic. But back then, it wasn't that great, and today I brin...
humor lists
In Texas Hold 'Em Poker, a player is dealt two cards at the beginning of each hand. Some starting ha...
starting hand worst texas hold poker