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Spider-Man: Magic reveals first cards and products from collab with Marvel!

Spider-Man: Magic reveals first cards and products from collab with Marvel!


Magic revealed this Saturday the first previews of its collab set with Marvel, Spider-Man. The expan...

Noticia SpiderMan Magic

Pokémon announces new collab with popular K-POP band

Pokémon announces new collab with popular K-POP band


The new song is just one of the many different products and events released by The Pokémon Company i...

news pokémon collab k-pop

Yu-Gi-Oh! Releases Exclusive Real Life Enemy Controller!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Releases Exclusive Real Life Enemy Controller!


Get ready to control your enemies - or pretend you do - in style! This new Enemy Controller replica ...

news anniversary enemy controller collab

Hasbro and Mattel collab in License Agreement, new Products to come!

Hasbro and Mattel collab in License Agreement, new Products to come!


These two giant toy-makers have set aside their west/east cost rivalry to bring new products mixing ...

news secret lair mattel hasbro

Pokémon TCG: Eevee evolutions get a new look with Yu Nagaba Collab!

Pokémon TCG: Eevee evolutions get a new look with Yu Nagaba Collab!


In a new collab with Yu Nagaba, The Pokémon Company announced its newest products: Eevee themed excl...

news pokémon collab yu nagaba promo alt

Fortnite: Best Crossovers with TV Shows & Other Games

Fortnite: Best Crossovers with TV Shows & Other Games

Pedro Fernandes

What most excites Fortnite players are partnerships with anime and other games, which yield beautifu...

Fortnite Collabs Crossovers
