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Magic: the Gathering
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Tiago Fuguete
Is Mardu Synthesizer better than Boros on Pauper? Today, we'll analyze the deck and which are its pr...
Pauper Mardu Synthesizer Deck Guide
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I bring the game's banned list, explaining why the cards are on that list, and a...
Banlist Living Legend Flesh and Blood
Pioneer is turning 3! Let's talk about the format that has grown the most currently, its creation an...
Magic Pioneer Format
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
A hotfix has arrived, and if you're a bit lost regarding how the meta will be, come check out my art...
legends of runeterra hotfix meta
Chi ha Coup ha un gioco di strategia e bluff simile al poker
Rodrigo William
Meet the Honchkrow-GX deck for the Expanded format with a Control Deck theme, featuring card enhance...
PokémonTCG Control Honchkrow
In a format taken over by Initiative decks, Azorius Auras could be the ideal answer against Legacy's...
Legacy Auras Deck Tech
Best of One offers a quick and convenient way to enjoy Magic games. In this article, we elaborate on...
Magic Arena Best of One
Discover the combination of Absol from Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising with Hydreigon from Sword/Shield: ...
Absol PokémonTCG Expanded
Pedro Braga
Ever wanted to build that super colorful five-color EDH deck? Today we unravel a bit of this Command...
Commander 5 Colors Decks
Marcos Sobral
Take this quiz and test your knowledge about Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiz Duel Monsters Anime
Get to know the upgrades for Sun/Moon's Chandelure along with Charizard from the Sword/Shield: Vivid...
PokémonTCG Expanded Deck Guide Charizard
Natural resources, imposing armies, scientific evolutions and incessant commercial exchanges. Build ...
boardgames cardgame tabletop
Cthulhu, Catulhu, Clutulu, Cleiton... He's on the prowl ready to emerge and dominate everyone and ev...
Featuring simple rules and a relatively low house advantage, Blackjack is a casino staple that appea...
blackjack variants
Is Blackjack your favourite casino game? Well, in that case, you would want to know some interesting...
blackjack online facts
Taking a look at the essential features is important. Here is a list of the top features that the be...
casino platform feature
So, what makes poker pros so successful at this event? Here are 10 fundamental reasons why they keep...
tips reasons win poker