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Magic: the Gathering
Legends of Runeterra
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Rodrigo William
Check out here in this article the 10 best-rated cards this second semester, this October, about the...
Standard Collectibles
The Brothers' War bring us 2 EDH decklists featuring the two brothers from the set as commanders
brothers war edh commander
"Sit here around the fire, I'll tell you a story" - said the Goddess Birgi - "About a player who sum...
Legacy Deck Guide Birgi Storm
Find out which is the best role and position for you in League of Legends with just 8 questions.
leagueoflegends lol role position quiz
Check out this Radiant Charizard deck that had repercussions on its Lost Box variant created by Tord...
Pokémon Charizard Lost Box
Test out your Runeterra Lore knowledge with these 12 questions.
lore league leagueoflegends quiz know
Despite the flaws in its winconditions and manabase, Dimir Control offers a solid base for players w...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Dimir Control Upgrade
Check out here the most expensive and collectible cards from Pokémon TCG's Lost Origin expansion.
PokémonTCG Lost Origin List
The greatest Mecha-Yordle in Runeterra comes along to make a blast with Vayne's and Equipment's help...
Rumble Vayne Equip Aggro
Nat Almeida
Are you into combos, ramps, group hug, aggro or control? Find out in this quiz who you are at the Co...
Quiz Commander
In this article, we've come up with five reasons for you to start playing Flesh and Blood!
Flesh and Blood Reasons to play
Starter Commander decks are five different two-color decks that have everything you need to jump rig...
commander edh
Online casino games come in a variety of forms. Popular choices include slots, bingo, roulette, and ...
games casino basic
Nel corso della vita ci sono diversi fattori che portano ad una perdita consistente di capelli, come...
capelli pedita
In general, you can bump them into several categories of casino games, but here you will find those ...
casino games
On a good date, you want to feel a wide range of emotions. You desire happiness, hope, and all the w...
board first dating
Did you know that Yu-Gi-Oh was inspired by Casino offerings? Let's talk about why it made so much su...
yugioh game tcg
A background check involves checking an individual's history before hiring. The purpose of this is t...
background check interview