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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Leandro Lopes
In this article, we have gathered the information we could find about the card game based on charact...
card games news lorcana disney
The Initiative has finally arrived in Magic Online, and its impact on the competitive landscape has ...
Pauper initiative Metagame
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh decks in 2022, focused on interacting with Rank/Link 2 mo...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck Tech
Aurélio Barcelos
What are Magic's worst mechanics? See the list of 5 keywords that let us down the most and their rea...
keywords worst top 5
Tony Lucas
With the arrival of equipment, Timelines decks have become popular, but which is the best list? We w...
competitive comparison timelines
In this article, I will present 5 "cheap" decks, for those who want to start in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, a...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Budget Tcg
Felipe Torres
This article brings you the best 15 tutors in the cEDH Metagame currently, ranked by efficiency.
cedh tutors
Rodrigo William
Follow this deck using another Amazing Rare card from the Shining Fates collection and see the poten...
pokémontcg yveltal deck tech
Dominaria United is finally among us on digital platforms, and the Challenges brought the first tast...
Standard Metagame Dominaria United
Tiago Fuguete
Is Mono White Heroic a deck to have fun with, or can it still stay strong in the format? Let's asses...
pauper heroic deck guide
The return to Dominaria has brought us several new Legendaries to be our Commanders, as well as many...
Dominaria United Pauper EDH
In this article, I bring a Review of Dominaria United for casual Commander, talking about where and ...
commander review dominaria united
Learn how to pilot one of the most fun and surprising decks of the expansion! Norra and Maokai have ...
competitive decktech
Eduardo Silveira
An analysis of Dominaria United's preconstructed Commander deck, Painbow, with Jared Carthalion as i...
Painbow Dominaria United Upgrade
Let's take a look at Magic's newest expansion through Legacy's eyes: how will these new cards be rec...
Legacy set review dominaria united
Pauper Commander's regulatory committee has banned Oubliette in the 1v1 variant.
Pauper Commander Duels Ban
A selection of five of the most important tips for League of Legends online betting with Bitcoin!
betting league of legends bitcoin
Get to know the five best all time money list poker players from the United States, their stories, e...
poker players all time cash prize