Have you followed the lore of Thunder Junction and wondered what your role on the team would be?
If you want to know more about the Lore, we have a resume made especially for you.
With this quiz, you can find out in a fun way which of our favorite outlaws is most like you!
Let's start?

In the group of friends, you are:
Who is always looking out for others
Who is there for any situation
Who's always in a comical moment
That stays quiet

At school, you were:
Who agreed to carry out a crazy experiment
The one that helps the leader of the mess
The head of any mess
The one who stood by his friends in any situation

Which animal do you prefer?
Any animal that can be ridden

Let's come up with a foolproof plan. You prefer:
Take care of the strategy
Criticizing the ideas of someone you don't like
Waiting for others to make decisions

What is your motivation?
Learn and experience the magic of other planes
Support my friends
Help the ones I love
Just Chaos!!

Choose an activity to carry out in the team:
Reanimate the dead
Monitor the surroundings
Committing petty theft
Keep everything in order

Which action do you consider the coolest?
Command a pirate ship
Survive a fight against giant fungus
Turn a king into an elk
Reanimate a sea monster

Choose a title:
Crown Thief
Relic Hunter
The little bugger
Fascinating scoundrel

A dangerous situation occurs. It's time to...
Abandon allies to their fate
Take the opportunity to steal something cool
Relax, because if something goes wrong you can revive your allies later
Do whatever is necessary for your safety

Choose what you can't miss in your deck:
Cards to Mill
Cards to create creature tokens
Cards to create non-creature tokens (treasure, clue)
Anything that makes opponents angry
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