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Spoiler Highlight: Doorkeeper Thrull in Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Doorkeeper Thrull in Legacy


Take a look: another Hatebear that has potential for Legacy! Let's analyze this new Doorkeeper that ...

Legacy karlov thrull

Spoiler Highlight: Public Thoroughfare and Escape Tunnel in Pauper

Spoiler Highlight: Public Thoroughfare and Escape Tunnel in Pauper

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, following the Murders at Karlov Manor's spoiler season, I'll discuss two cards t...

Pauper MKM MTGKarlov

Pauper - Spoiler Highlights: Red Herring and Extract a Confession

Pauper - Spoiler Highlights: Red Herring and Extract a Confession


In this article, we'll analyze two new cards, Red Herring and Extract a Confession, and see how they...

Pauper MKM

Spoiler Highlight: Pick Your Poison on Pauper, Modern & Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Pick Your Poison on Pauper, Modern & Legacy


In today's article, we look at the potential of the newest comprehensive sideboard answer, Pick Your...

Pauper Modern Legacy Spoiler

Spoiler Highlight: Judith, Carnage Connoisseur in Constructed Formats

Spoiler Highlight: Judith, Carnage Connoisseur in Constructed Formats

Pacto das Guildas

The Murders at Karlov Manor spoiler season has begun! In today's article, I'll discuss Judith, Carna...

Standard Pioneer Explorer Commander MKM

Spoiler Highlight: Delney, Streetwise Lookout in Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Delney, Streetwise Lookout in Standard & Pioneer


In today's article, we evaluate the potential of Delney, Streetwise Lookout in Standard and Pioneer,...

Spoiler Standard Pioneer:Karlov

Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!

Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!


All cards from the Murders at Karlov Manor's Special Guests series will be available in Magic Arena....

Temeless Arena Spoiler

Spoiler Highlight: No More Lies in Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: No More Lies in Standard & Pioneer


The first day of Murders at Karlov Manor previews brought one of the best two-mana counterspells Sta...

Karlov Spoiler Pioneer Standard

Card Highlight: Demand Answers in Pauper

Card Highlight: Demand Answers in Pauper

Pacto das Guildas

The next Magic: The Gathering set, Murders at Karlov Manor, will bring us back to Ravnica. Wizards o...

Pauper Ravnica Highlight

Spoiler Highlight: Lightning Helix on Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Lightning Helix on Standard & Pioneer


Lightning Helix will be reprinted in Murders at Karlov Manor, and consequently arrive in Standard an...

Spoiler Review Standard Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Allied Manlands in Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Allied Manlands in Standard & Pioneer


Lost Caverns of Ixalan closed a new cycle of manlands for Standard and Pioneer - the first of allied...

Manlands Pioneer Standard Review

Spoiler Highlight: Bartolomé del Presidio in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Spoiler Highlight: Bartolomé del Presidio in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Pacto das Guildas

Lost Caverns of Ixalan is Magic: The Gathering's new set, and, during spoiler season, many interesti...

Pioneer Standard Preview Ixalan

Spoiler Highlight: Unstable Glyphbridge in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Spoiler Highlight: Unstable Glyphbridge in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Pacto das Guildas

Unstable Glyphbridge is another card revealed in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, the next Magic: The Gat...

standard pioneer ixalan

Spoiler Highlight: Dauntless Dismantler in Legacy

Spoiler Highlight: Dauntless Dismantler in Legacy


For years, Meltdown was the main option to explode piles of artifacts for a low cost. Now, this icon...

legacy ixalan dismantler

Spoiler Highlight: Molten Collapse on Eternal Formats!

Spoiler Highlight: Molten Collapse on Eternal Formats!


Molten Collapse is one of Lost Caverns of Ixalan's most promising cards for eternal formats. In this...

Review Modern Legacy Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Amalia Benavides Aguirre on Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Amalia Benavides Aguirre on Pioneer


Amalia Benavides Aguirre enables a new combo for Pioneer. In this article, we analyze how the combo ...

Pioneer Combo Amalia

Spoiler Highlight: Quintorius Kand on Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Quintorius Kand on Standard & Pioneer


The planeswalker version of Quintorius was revealed in Lost Caverns of Ixalan. In this article, we a...

Quintorius review pioneer standard

Card Highlight: Cavern of Souls in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Card Highlight: Cavern of Souls in Standard, Pioneer and Explorer

Pacto das Guildas

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is the next set coming to Standard, and Cavern of Souls will get a reprin...

Reprint Ixalan Standard Pioneer Explorer

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