Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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The set has already 1 month of competitive play, how did it impact each format?
The World Championship XXVI took place this weekend, from February 14 to February 16, 2020, in Honol...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Standard format in the last tw...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Pioneer format in the last two...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Legacy format in the last two ...
Here we will show the most played cards of Theros Beyond Death in the Modern format in the last two ...
Here are some examples of decisions made during real matches
opinion cedh
Is Urza still alive? Some decklists say yes!
Deck tech opinion
TOP 10 comparative cards increase and TOP 3 comparative deck increase
Achieving a good threat assessment level requires thorough knowledge of this format
In this article I discuss about yesterday's bannings annoucements, as well as exposing my disagreeme...
How important is narrative to the gaming experience in Magic the Gathering?
For this specific case we reviewed the metagame of each format in the last 15 days.
This time we will comment on a CMC 1 card that may enter the position of already known Modern and/or...
Combo that only needs 2 cards: Walking Ballista and Heliod, Sun-Crowned
If you're an evil combo player, you may have wondered a few times why 2-card, 3-card, or 4-card comb...
We pretend to evaluate how the metagame changed between November to December
Roger Schola
Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go (to the graveyard!)
deck tech pioneer