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Budget cEDH deck guide - Slogurk, The Overslime

Budget cEDH deck guide - Slogurk, The Overslime

Felipe Torres

This article brings a budget decklist for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's new legendary creature, Slogurk...

EDH cedh budget

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide


Hellooo, this is Isa and I'm here to show you a sideboard guide for the Slivers Deck in Pauper!

fractius tech

The tribes of Odyssey and Onslaught block

The tribes of Odyssey and Onslaught block


From now on, Marcos from the InvoKando channel will tell the lore of Magic: The Gathering through ar...

lore otaria

Unsanctioned box has no space for decks with sleeves

Unsanctioned box has no space for decks with sleeves


It is not possible to store your deck with sleeves


Analysis of Naya Slivers in Pauper

Analysis of Naya Slivers in Pauper


Today we'll discuss an aggro deck that has stood out in Pauper: Naya Slivers!

deck tech

The Commander with Food Chain - The First Sliver

The Commander with Food Chain - The First Sliver

Thiago Fogaça

A commander who enables an almost unrestrictive construction

deck tech cedh

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