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Magic is getting more expensive - but how expensive is "too expensive" for Latin American countries?
Magic UniversesBeyond Opinion
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll explore the strategies that the 5 first masters in the America server used to...
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Antonio Carlos
In today's article, let's review everything about the NA Continental, the metagame, results, and how...
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The dismissal of Wizards' LATAM marketing team is not the apocalypse, but it sets yet another preced...
Magic Analysis Latin America
Gabriel (Raj)
In this article I will discuss Maverick, a toolbox deck with different lines in its construction, be...
Legacy Maverick Deck Guide
After the DnD licensing controversy earlier in January, Hasbro is hit with yet another note from Ban...
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Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll recommend you good cheap monsters for you to use in your Extra Deck!
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Budget
Eduardo Silveira
For the end of the year festivities, a commander who came to bring discord to the table with the mis...
Dimir Casual Budget Commander
Bank of America's report highlighted the weariness and frustration that a portion of the community h...
Opinion Magic Burnout Bank of America
Daniel Linhares
Michigan has rapidly emerged as a leader in the online casino industry, drawing players from across ...
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From the neon-lit arcades of Japan to the bright lights of American television, discover the fascina...
Japan Pachinko Plinko The Price is Right
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using American Express at casinos. From perks like secu...
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