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Tiago Fuguete
Tolarian Terror and the three deck options you can play! Let's see each one of them, analyze them an...
Tolarian Terror Pauper tiagofuguete
After many years of waiting and the whole Pauper community asking for it, Snuff Out will be reprinte...
snuffout reprint doctor who pauper
In this article, we'll discuss the Top 10 most popular cards in Pauper in recent times, besides thei...
Pauper tiagofuguete side top10
In this article, I review the current Pauper Metagame in 2023 and prepare a Top 10 with the best dec...
Pauper Best Decks 2023
Check out a deck tech and explanation of Altar Tron's combos, the deck who won Paupergeddon, the big...
Tron Combo Pauper
Caw-Gates is a flexible and efficient deck against practically the entire Metagame, but not every pl...
Pauper Caw-Gates Deck Guide
Pauper has a new darling, and it's not red and doesn't care about artifacts: learn more about Orzhov...
Orzhov Ephemerate Pauper Deck Guide
In a meta dominated by Mono Red Kuldotha, Dimir Terror and Grixis Affinity, how about playing an ant...
sultai control pauper tiagofuguete
Is Mardu Synthesizer better than Boros on Pauper? Today, we'll analyze the deck and which are its pr...
Pauper Mardu Synthesizer Deck Guide
The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...
Red Aggro Burn Pauper
How about casting LD spells as soon as on turn 2? Mono Black Ponza is the deck that doesn't allow y...
MBC Ponza Pauper
Sliver, the tribe with the most lords in Pauper is also a strong aggro? Let's compare and talk a bit...
Sliers deck guide pauper
Is Mono White Heroic a deck to have fun with, or can it still stay strong in the format? Let's asses...
pauper heroic deck guide
Can Jund Cascade stay strong in the format? Can it handle Pauper's speed? Today we are going to answ...
jund cascade pauper
Today's analysed deck is Izzet Faeries, which controls the game while taking advantage of the Monar...
izzet faeries deck guide pauper
A creature-based Orzhov Pestilence is making more results in the past few weeks. Today, let's talk a...
pauper pestilence deck guide
Monastery Swiftspear didn't just come to help Burn, in Mono Red Blitz it also helps a lot and the de...
mono red blitz pauper deck guide
With Burn in ascension, Bogles is one of the best choices in Pauper right now. Find out why and how ...
auras bogles pauper deck guide