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One Piece TCG
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Today, we'll talk about one of the best tempo decks in Pauper, Dimir Terror - a deck with a powerful...
deck tech side guide competitive pauper
Rodrigo William
In this article, check out the 10 best Pokémon with zero attack cost!
top Pokémon TCG
Renan Menezes
This is a guide on how damage works in One Piece TCG, with tips and examples on how to deal lethal d...
Guide One Piece Constructed Damage Lethal
See the return of the "Poltergeist" attack, which allows you to reveal your opponent's hand and deal...
Gengar Kanto 151 TCG Poltergeist Attack
Atraxa has found yet another home in the Legacy. Sneak n' Show is another archetype that gained an e...
Legacy Deck Tech Sneak Attack Show & Tell
Meet Hisuian Arcanine, a deck that with no energy in hand can hit up to 220 damage at its maximum po...
Hisuian Arcanine Standard Deck Tech